Renowned designer Sebastian Gunawan is known for his annual charitable activities to support for Yayasan Cinta Anak Bangsa (YCAB) through his annual fashion show. The partnership between YCAB and Sebastian Gunawan went back to 2005 with several charity fashion shows with various themes: Classic Divine (2005), Rendezvouz (2006), Sweet and Swinging (2007), Femme Fatale (2010), and The Reflections of You (2011). Through his generosity, YCAB has raised up to Rp 2.3 billion since 2005, and has educated more than 1,200 underprivileged children.
Founder/CEO YCAB Foundation Veronica Colondam among other partners of Sebastian Gunawan Fashion Show 2013, including President Director of Danone Aqua Mr. Bernard Ducros. They received the flower bouquets from Sebastian Gunawan at the beginning of the fashion show.