The grand fashion show from Sebastian Gunawan marked the pre-launch of his prime 2014 collection under one glorious theme: MODMUSE.
A muse plays an important role in helping materialize a fashion
designer’s creativity and imagination. There have been timeless muses
across time, with figures in pop culture and fashion history emerging
and evolving to finally become ever-present icons standing in for
respective eras. They held great sway over the fashion world with their
signature style persona.
In the mainstream, muses refer to those whose strong character and
originality gave them a persona that withstood the decay of time. To
Sebastian Gunawan and his lifetime partner, Cristina Panarese,
today’s muses are found within modern women who are open-mind to
contemporary lifestyles and keen on fast-flowing information,
acknowledging trends and being the muse of their own surroundings.