Friday, February 21, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Kolaborasi SK-II dan Sebastian Gunawan Siap Hadirkan Koleksi Busana Baru

SK-II menggandeng desainer Indonesia, Sebastian Gunawan, untuk kolaborasi terbarunya. Berbekal perjalanan tim SK-II yang terdiri dari Susan Bachtiar (Brand Ambassador SK-II Indonesia), Ria Lirungan (Editor-in-Chief Harper’s Bazaar Indonesia), dan Sebastian Gunawan sendiri, yang melakukan perjalanan ke Jepang beberapa bulan lalu untuk menyaksikan rahasia di balik Clear Crystal Beauty, yaitu mengetahui pembuatan Pitera dan bagaimana Pitera ditemukan.

Sudah 10 tahun SK-II hadir di Indonesia, dan untuk merayakan tahun ke-1o-nya ini, SK-II, bekerja sama dengan Sebastian Gunawan dan Harper’s Bazaar, akan mengadakan fashion show bulan depan. Pada event ini, Sebastian Gunawan akan menampilkan koleksi terbaru dari lini pertamanya, Sebastian Gunawan, tepatnya pada tanggal 27 Maret 2013. Koleksi ini mengambil inspirasi dari Clear Crystal Beauty yang bisa didapatkan dari rangkaian produk SK-II.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Shower of Crystals and Flower Petals

Didiet Maulana (left), Sebastian Gunawan (right). (Courtesy of Grand Hyatt Jakarta)

Fashion designers Didiet Maulana and Sebastian Gunawan offer a closet of inspiration for wedding dresses and evening gowns.  Didiet, known for his love of the traditional Indonesian style, was eager to represent the classically beautiful designs of the country’s conservative outfits in his Svarna 2014 collection, which he calls Romansa Flora (A Floral Romance).

“I’ve always wanted to reinstate the enchanting features of Indonesian classic outfits into a modernized look.

“Therefore, I’ve created bridal wedding outfits in the form of baju bodo, baju kurung, as well as Balinese-styled and Javanese-styled kutubaru [kebaya] dresses for the new collection,” said Didiet.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

SebastianRed, SebastianSposa

Last night I attended to Grand Hyatt Wedding Fair of the year. Another of my talented friend used to work for Sebastian Gunawan (I know right I am surrounded by talented people). Well I was lucky enough to get an invite :)

In this post you will find photos from 2 divisions of Sebastian Gunawan, the first is SebastianRed which has a very beautiful array of cocktail and evening dresses. The second would be the wonderful SebastianSposa, bridal gowns. I cannot post everything since there are too many, so again, I chose my favorites.