Sebastian Gunawan, together with Priyo Oktaviano,
have embarked on their creative journey to India in preparation of the
upcoming Jakarta Fashion Week 09/10 in November. For six days they will
be in India to explore the country’s best textiles.
As a designer who has been in the industry for over 20 years, Seba is
pleased and honored that he’s chosen to participate in the
collaboration. He hopes that his visit will further enrich his
imagination and creativity.
“I couldn’t picture the design until I touch the fabrics. I have to
first see and observe the culture there, feel the garment then visualize
the pattern before churning out the surprise at the JFW parade later.
Just wait for it!” he said when being questioned about the design he’s
envisioning. Gunawan is also enthusiastic over the role of JFW as a
platform for both young and established designers to showcase their